Rated NC-17. Explicit.
By: Larnir W. Haigh
Here comes the promised part 2.5. of NGE Unforgiven – or what the moonlit night had in store for Shinji and Asuka. Proceed at you own discretion.
-Shinji, – whispered Asuka, – shall we go?
-Is Misato out?
-Well, out. Out drunk till noon. Shinji…can you… please… take me to your room?
-As you wish, – replied the boy, trying to cover his tension with mocking courtesy.
Yes, this had to be more than just whispers under the moon. When a dream comes true, why do hands
have to shake?
Shinji offered his hand to Asuka and felt her fingers trembling as well. Drawing the girl closer, he took a deep breath and suddenly swept her up in his arms and carried – without effort. Asuka was amazed – she always thought of him as a frail boy, but the few steps to the door she felt like being carried by Unit 01, not her pilot. Continue reading →